Monday, December 22, 2014

"Seasons of Caring"

As coeditor of this just published, first of its kind, volume, I believe it will be a valuable resource for untold numbers of people who are, or will be,  caregivers.  Please check it out!

"Seasons of Caring:
Meditations for Alzheimer's and Dementia Caregivers"

About the Book

"Seasons of Caring: Meditations for Alzheimer's and Dementia Caregivers" is an interfaith volume with more than 140 original meditations from seventy religious leaders and care specialists - many caregivers themselves - representing seventeen faith traditions. Each writer draws upon his or her years of experience to offer words of hope, encouragement and understanding to those who are now on this journey, and to give voice to the unique challenges confronting Alzheimer's and dementia caregivers. We are honored to include the artwork of Lester E. Potts, Jr., created while he was a client at Caring Days Adult Dementia Daycare Center in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
All proceeds benefit the ClergyAgainstAlzhemer's Network and its efforts to support families and stop Alzheimer's

Advance Praise For "Seasons of Caring"

"Seasons of Caring" offers solace and comfort to help families live in the moment with their loved ones. We need to believe that we are reaching a loved one at some level because deep down we know that Alzheimer's will ultimately win out at home.
— Meryl Comer, co-founder of WomenAgainstAlzheimer's and author of New York Times Best Seller, "Slow Dancing With A Stranger"
"Seasons of Caring" is a fabulous read and a testament to the power of people of faith to raise their compassionate voices to comfort those in need while shining a light on a critical issue of our day.
— Maddy Dychtwald
Co-Founder, Age Wave
"Seasons of Caring" is a collection of exceptional value in addressing the pain and suffering caused by Alzheimer's. It holds up the spirit whereby this disease is faced down by a phalanx of researchers, sufferers and caregivers.
— Wesley F. Stevens, D.Min., Holly Hall Retirement Community, Houston, TX
This beautiful book can be read in many ways: as a day book you read page by page through the seasons, or by dipping into it with trust that the message read will speak meaningfully to what you need that day.  However you read it, you’ll find it to be filled with compassion and wisdom about the journey of dementia. Illustrated with evocative paintings by Lester Potts, the father of one of the editors, this book is a treasure for anyone who loves someone with dementia.
— Susan H. McFadden, Ph.D., Professor Emerita, Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh; Research Consultant, Fox Valley Memory Project, Appleton, WI and author of Aging Together: Dementia, Friendship & Flourishing Communities
What a gift this book will be for a caregiver. Short but deep these meditations provide a brief respite and a reminder that we are not alone – ever. I plan to bless the caregivers I know with their own copy that they experience God sitting next to them through tears, in moments of absurdity, and in times of darkness. I hope you will share the light too.
— Barbara Shefelton, M.Div, BCC, Board Certified Chaplain and Certified Clinical Ethicist, Spiritual Care Department, Mary Immaculate Hospital, Newport News, VA
This affirming collection of meditations is dedicated to the special people caring for Alzheimer's and dementia patients. The meditations offer these selfless people of all faiths hope, courage, and strength as they go through their difficult daily lives. Congratulations to ClergyAgainstAlzheimer’s Network for producing this critically important work and for their tireless efforts in supporting individuals with Alzheimer’s and their families.
— Fr. Leonir Chiarello, Executive Director, The Scalabrini International Migration Network
This book is filled with wisdom and compassion, and will be meaningful to caregivers and those who care for the caregivers. It will bring comfort and the embrace of a community of those who understand. I am glad to have Seasons of Caring as a resource, and wish I had had it when I walked the path of dementia with both of my parents.
— Rabbi Rosalind A. Gold
Rabbi Emerita, Northern Virginia Hebrew Congregation
Reston, Virginia
Alzheimer’s and dementia know no boundaries. These are diseases that affect people of all racial, ethnic and religious backgrounds. The souls of both the afflicted and those who must watch this affliction from the outside are in need of spiritual nourishment so as to cope with this trying reality. "Seasons of Caring" is a compilation of prayers, reflections and meditations that speaks to the soul of all that have been tested with Alzheimer’s and dementia. Reason, ration and logic often don’t give us the tools to cope; and that’s why we turn to the spiritual. 
— Imam Suhail Mulla
Islamic Society of Orange County
"Seasons of Caring" is a sweet and inspiring volume, rich in diversity, compassion and depth. I found many comforting words of reflection and meditation in this book. It’s a must-read for anyone involved at any level of caregiving.
— Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.
President and Medical Director
Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation
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